Explore Our Self-Help
Book Catalogue
We are proud to offer a number of self-help titles, written by our own clinicians. Check out our catalogue and explore how our books can help you heal.

Unraveling Our DNA as a Root Cause of Mental Health: The Role of Genetic Testing in Root Cause PsychiatryTM
Dive into genetic testing and how we can use it to help us realize the dream of tailor-made treatments for each and every individual.
A Parent's Guide to Autism by Age Group
Explore the intricacies of evaluating, treating, and supporting those with autism spectrum disorder at various stages of development.
Enduring Alzheimer’s: Practical Tips for
Caring for your Loved One and Yourself
Co-written by Dr. Kehr , this curated guide includes caregiving tips, practical advice, and other valuable resources from Alzheimer’s experts, families of loved ones with Alzheimer’s, and professional caregivers.
Integrative Geriatric Nutrition:
A Practitioner’s Guide to Dietary Approaches for Older Adults
Co-written by Julie Wendt, this book provides a review of therapeutic foods and diets that benefit aging patients.
Bad Bugs and Mental Health
How Infections and Your Gut Microbiome Can Trigger and Perpetuate Psychiatric Conditions.